Artsmark Partner

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Artsmark Partner

Swindon Music Service is an approved Artsmark partner and can help support your shoo’s Artsmark planning.  Our bool=klet can assist the Artsmark process to improve, increase or develop your music provision.

Music is a mandatory part of th curriculum for key stages 1 – 3 and an option subject for GCSE / A Level at key stage 4 & 5.

High quality music provision in school can:

  • Provide opportunities for young people to develop their leadership, their fine motor skills, social skills working in a group, physical and vocal skills, music is processed in both sides of the brain so in turn leads to development in other areas, creates bonding and teamwork, music is nonverbal so access all students and individuals
  • Increase levels of activity
  • Contribute to improving behaviour and reducing bullying and absentee rates
  • Provide quality extra-curricular music learning
  • Assist in building positive relationships with feeder schools
  • Promote links with the community through music performances, classes and/or music tuition
  • Enable achievement by young people with kinaesthetic learning preferences
  • Raise the profile, reputation and standing of the school.