West of England Music Hub Alliance

Who's involved?

What is WEMA?

The West of England Music Alliance is a group of three local music hubs covering a geographical area in the Southwest of England.  Its purpose is to support their individual local areas with music provision for children and young people as well as supporting and assisting schools to offer and deliver a quality music education through the music curriculum.

How do we work together?

The threes hubs made up as follows:

  • Make Music Gloucestershire (the local hub for Gloucestershire)
  • Make Music Swindon (the local hub for Swindon)
  • ?? (the local hub for B&NES, North Somerset and South Glos.)

Each of the three areas retain its own local hub with one local hub being elected as the lead organisation in terms of receiving the funding and reporting to the Arts Council England.  The governance of the lead organisation is an Executive Board made up of representatives from each of the local area hubs and other organisations that hold an interest across all three local areas.  The Executive Board is chaired by and independent person elected by all three local hubs. The lead organisation devolves funding to each local area hub to deliver on the National Plan for Music Education in-line with the DfE funding allocations.

How does this alliance work better than keeping each local hub independent?

We will work by identifying the following: Popular areas for integration; popular areas for collaboration; popular areas for separation such as:

Popular areas for integration
  • Hub leadership
  • Specialist staff, consultants e.g, marketing, fundraising etc…
  • Continued Professional Development
 Popular areas for collaboration
  • Performances & special projects
  • Projects
  • Advanced ensembles
  • Youth Voice
  • Inclusion and wellbeing
  • Digital and online learning
Popular areas for separation
  • Whole class ensemble tuition
  • Instrumental teaching
  • Instrument loan scheme
  • Charging/remissions policies