CPD & Staff Support

Schools can also book: A free online consultation with one of the hub's music outreach officers; A bespoke CPD session at your school; A Music Health Check; A Singing Plan meeting

Book a free consultation, or book a school CPD, Health Check or Singing Strategy session

Need to talk to a schools’ music outreach officer from the hub?

You can book an appointment, or request bespoke CPD session at your location. Use the interactive calendar to request a day and time.

Central CPD sessions held at the Platform Offered to Schools for 2022/23 Academic Year

The programme of CPD has been designed after consultation with schools for the coming academic year.

September 2022

14th Christmas Voice Festival Teacher CPD session – starts at 9am and finishes at 12 noon.  This is only open to those schools who have booked the Christmas Festival fo 2022.

14th Ofsted Deep Dive – Starts at 1pm and finishes at 3pm (Delivered by Sue Nicholls) –   You can register to attend here

November 2022

16th Christmas Voice Festival at the Wyvern –   You can register to attend here